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Tips for climbing Mount Sinai

For many, climbing Mount Sinai is the great dream of their lives. And it can be so for both Christians and Jews or even non-believers in these religions but believers in the supernatural force of nature. If you also have that promotion as an upcoming goal, here are some useful tips to keep in mind.

Choose your route to climb Mount Sinai

To climb Mount Sinai There are three main routes. They are as follows:

  • Los Escalones de la Penitencia: its name gives us clues of its hardness, as there are about 3,750 steep steps. However, it is the shortest route and, for those in good physical shape, also the fastest, in which case it can take less than 2 hours.
  • The Camel’s Path: as its name suggests, it is the one that can be used on the back of a camel. Bedouin guides will offer you this possibility. This is the most recommended option for those who are not in good physical shape or for the elderly. In any case, if you opt for this route you should bear in mind two things:
    • This route joins the previous one at a small plateau known as Elijah’s Basin. From here to the top there are about 300 meters and there is no other way to get there than climbing 750 irregular rock steps. 
    • The duration usually exceeds two hours for the ascent and two hours for the descent.
  • Bedouin trekking route: it is by far the longest, as it takes a long detour. Only recommended for those who, in addition to climbing Mount Sinai, want to get to know the surroundings of this unique mountain range. It can exceed 4 hours for the ascent, although the descent can be by any of the other two routes.
Mount Sinai Dromedary
Dromedary on Mt. Sinai

Wear comfortable shoes and fleece clothing

Keep in mind that the ascent to this mountain is rocky and uneven, so the main risks are hurting the sole of your foot on a rock edge, falling or twisting an ankle. Therefore, preferably wear boots that cover your ankle or, at least, shoes with a hard sole, trail type. Also, keep in mind that the thermal oscillation is huge: during the day it will be very hot and at night, quite cold, so it is ideal to wear fleece clothing, not as bulky and heavy as other types of warm clothing.

Pilgrimage to Mount Sinai
Pilgrimage to Mount Sinai

Keep your Bible and your camera handy

Whether you are a believer or not, you will better understand the significance of the ascent if you carry the Bible with you. Specifically, it opens with Exodus 24, which narrates the episode in which Moses makes contact with God and receives the tablets of the law at the top. And of course, don’t forget a good camera, especially to immortalize two moments that you can live (and that you will have to choose): sunrise and sunset.

Hire the services of an agency

If you hire the services of an agency to climb Mount Sinai and you are accompanied by their staff, it will be easier for you to make every decision. Especially if you opt for one like Egipto Exclusivo, which adapts to every type of traveler: with children or with elderly people, with interest in visiting the Monastery of Santa Catalina or doing a more extensive trekking route, etc. In addition, we will arrange transportation from anywhere in the Sinai Peninsula or even other parts of Egypt. Contact us now and we will give you the information you need.

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