Journey through Egypt and Jordan in 15 days

A comprehensive proposal to experience it all

Two weeks of enchantment, for eternity. That’s what this 15-day circuit through Egypt and Jordan offers, including the top destinations of each country so that you don’t have to leave anything out of the itinerary. If you have enough time and a desire to thoroughly explore two unparalleled destinations, take a look at this circuit, starting in Cairo and ending in Amman.

Egypt: Pyramids, Valley of the Kings, cruise...

The first half of this journey through Egypt and Jordan takes place in the land of the ancient pharaohs. Therefore, some of its main attractions are related to that civilization. Of course, the Pyramids of Giza will greet us, but there are also fascinating places like the Valley of the Kings, the temples of Karnak, Abu Simbel… and much more.

But Egypt is not just Ancient Egypt, far from it. That’s why we will enjoy Cairo, a vibrant city where traditional markets and imposing mosques coexist with primitive churches. As a perfect contrast to that, the program includes a relaxing and captivating Nile cruise, from Aswan to Luxor.

Jordan: Petra, Wadi Rum, the Dead Sea...

Jordan is a relatively small country, yet it is full of tourist attractions. And in the second part of this journey, you will discover just that. Like other combined tours with this country, Petra and Wadi Rum are the main highlights: a city carved into the rock and an unparalleled lunar beauty desert. And to reach them, the ancient King’s Highway, sprinkled with biblical sites.

However, the fact that it is a long 15-day circuit through Egypt and Jordan allows for the inclusion of other places that are sometimes left out but are worth visiting. In particular, Amman and the northern region (Jerash, Ajloun) and the Dead Sea, which is one of the most unique bodies of water on the planet.

Itinerary of this 15-day circuit through Egypt and Jordan

This 15-day, 14-night circuit through Egypt and Jordan is one of the star proposals in our catalog, and probably the most comprehensive among all the combined tours we offer. It starts in Cairo and ends in Amman, with three flights in between to streamline the program: Cairo – Aswan, Luxor – Cairo, and Cairo – Amman. Here is a breakdown of each day:

  • Day 1: Cairo Airport – Cairo
  • Day 2: Pyramids of Giza – Saqqara – Dahshur
  • Day 3: Cairo
  • Day 4: Cairo – Aswan
  • Day 5: Aswan – Abu Simbel – Kom Ombo – Edfu
  • Day 6: Edfu – Luxor
  • Day 7: Luxor – Cairo
  • Day 8: Cairo – Amman
  • Day 9: Amman – Jerash – Ajloun – Amman
  • Day 10: Amman – Madaba – Mount Nebo – Shobak – Petra
  • Day 11: Petra
  • Day 12: Petra – Little Petra – Wadi Rum Petra – Wadi Rum
  • Day 13: Wadi Rum – Amman
  • Day 14: Amman – Dead Sea
  • Day 15: Dead Sea – Amman Airport

Day 1: Cairo Airport - Cairo

This 15-day circuit through Egypt and Jordan has a very intense program. Therefore, the first day is dedicated to arriving smoothly in this first country, completing necessary procedures, and obtaining the necessary information for the following two weeks. Our staff will be waiting for you at the terminal to handle the necessary border arrangements and provide a private transfer to the hotel.

Upon arrival, the corresponding check-in will be done, and an informative briefing about the circuit and the countries to be visited will be provided. It is a good opportunity to ask any questions about the travel package or practical matters in both countries. Afterward, there may be some free time for an initial exploration of the city before returning to the hotel for rest in the rooms.

  • Arrival at Cairo Airport
  • Meeting with our staff and procedures at the terminal
  • Private car transfer to the hotel in Cairo
  • Check-in and informative briefing
  • Night at a hotel in Cairo

Day 2: Pyramids of Giza - Saqqara - Dahshur

After a restful night, the sightseeing begins on this grand 15-day circuit through Egypt and Jordan. And it starts with a bang: after breakfast at the hotel, we will transfer you to the Giza Necropolis, where the majestic Pyramids stand tall. The pharaohs Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure, from the Fourth Dynasty, left us this legacy 4,500 years ago, along with the Great Sphinx and other symbolic spaces.

But Giza is not the only necropolis to visit on this second day: after that, we will head to Saqqara, where the Step Pyramid of Djoser is located, considered the first pyramid of that civilization. And a little further at the Dahshur Necropolis, we will contemplate the Red Pyramid and the Bent Pyramid, both of great historical importance. These three necropolises, as expected, are UNESCO World Heritage sites.

We will mainly visit these sites in the morning, and lunch at a local restaurant will provide us with energy for the rest of the day. The afternoon will be free, back in Cairo, and the night’s rest will be at the same hotel as the previous night.

  • Breakfast at the hotel in Cairo
  • Visit to the Giza Necropolis
  • Visit to the Saqqara Necropolis
  • Visit to the Dahshur Necropolis
  • Lunch at a local restaurant
  • Afternoon free Night at the hotel in Cairo

Day 3: Cairo

The capital of Egypt, Cairo, will take center stage on the third day as we explore its most iconic corners after breakfast at the hotel. One of those places is the Egyptian Museum, crucial for understanding and admiring the pharaonic civilization.

But Cairo’s neighborhoods have much to offer, and we will focus on two of them. The first is the Coptic Quarter, named for its special relevance in the early days of Christianity. Churches like the Hanging Church and St. Sergius demonstrate this, along with other buildings of different character, such as the historic Ben Ezra Synagogue.

The second neighborhood to discover is Islamic Cairo, declared a UNESCO World Heritage site for its unique corners, such as the Khan el-Khalili bazaar, the Saladin Citadel, and the Alabaster Mosque. They are a reflection of the city’s glorious past, spanning different periods such as the Middle Ages and the 19th century, under Ottoman rule but open to the world due to the growing Egyptomania.

It will be an intense day, befitting such a capital, which also boasts quality restaurants. Lunch will be provided at one of them as part of the program. At the end of the day, we will return to the hotel for a night’s rest.

  • Breakfast at the hotel in Cairo
  • Full day in Cairo:
    • Egyptian Museum
    • Coptic Quarter
    • Islamic Cairo
  • Lunch at a local restaurant
  • Night at the hotel in Cairo

Day 4: Cairo - Aswan

On the fourth day of the tour, we will travel from Lower to Upper Egypt, meaning we will head south in the country. After breakfast, our agency’s driver will pick you up for a transfer to Cairo Airport. From there, you will take a flight to Aswan, where another representative from our agency will be waiting to greet you at the airport.

Once in Aswan, our driver will take you directly to the Temple of Isis on Philae Island, one of the most beautiful and lesser-known temples in the country. This construction, dating back to the 4th century BC and later restored in subsequent centuries, is considered the last great work of that civilization. Now, having been relocated to its current island, it shines brightly, proudly holding the title of UNESCO World Heritage site.

After admiring its beauty, it will be time to check-in at the accommodation that will be your home for the next three nights: the Nile River cruise ship. For now, it will be an introduction without sailing, but you will enjoy lunch on board.

The afternoon is free, ideal for a leisurely visit to Aswan before returning to the ship for dinner and rest in your cabin, while the ship remains docked at the port.

  • Breakfast at the hotel in Cairo
  • Transfer to Cairo Airport
  • Flight from Cairo to Aswan
  • Meeting with our representative at Aswan Airport
  • Transfer and visit to the Temple of Isis on Philae Island
  • Transfer to Aswan
  • Check-in and lunch on the Nile River cruise ship
  • Free afternoon
  • Dinner and night on the cruise ship in Aswan

Day 5: Aswan - Abu Simbel - Kom Ombo - Edfu

In the 15 days of this Egypt and Jordan tour, the fifth day will start early: we will wake up early to arrive at the temples of Abu Simbel at a good time. In fact, breakfast will not be on board the ship but in a Breakfast Box during the road trip.

But the effort will be worthwhile: these constructions are the symbol of the splendor of Pharaoh Ramses II and his wife Nefertari. They were erected here after a monumental relocation in the 1960s when the waters of Lake Nasser threatened to flood everything after the construction of the Aswan Dam. Today, they are a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the country’s major attractions.

After visiting Abu Simbel, we will return by road to Aswan and get back on board the ship to start sailing and have lunch on board. This cruise is one of the favorite experiences among visitors to Egypt, thanks to the beauty of the surroundings and the majesty of the temples to be visited along the riverbank. The first temple is the Kom Ombo Temple from the Ptolemaic period, dedicated to the crocodile god Sobek, who is also featured in the adjacent museum.

After visiting both sites, the Nile River cruise will continue to Edfu. The ship will be docked at the port of that city, where you will enjoy dinner and spend the night on board.

  • Breakfast in a Breakfast Box
  • Road trip to Abu Simbel
  • Return to the Nile River cruise ship
  • Lunch on board and start of the sailing
  • Visit to the Kom Ombo Temple and Crocodile Museum
  • Continuation of the cruise to Edfu
  • Dinner and night on board at the port of Edfu

Day 6: Edfu - Luxor

The sixth day of this tour will begin at the port of Edfu, where you will have breakfast on board the ship. With no time to waste, we will visit the spectacular temple of Edfu, one of the most magnificent in all of Ancient Egypt. It is dedicated to the god Horus, and there are numerous references to the associated animal, the falcon, protector of hunting and the pharaohs.

With the images of the grand hypostyle hall, its gigantic pylons, and other areas of the temple still fresh in your mind, we will return to the ship to continue the final stretch of the cruise to Luxor. We will arrive in the city during the midday hours and have lunch on board. Upon arrival, we will not disembark from the ship but head out to explore the East Bank of the city, formerly known as Thebes.

The temples of Karnak, the Luxor Temple, the Avenue of the Sphinxes… The list of points of interest in this area is extensive, especially for enthusiasts of Ancient Egypt. In the late afternoon, we will return to the cruise ship for dinner and enjoy the last night of rest in our cabins.

  • Breakfast on board at the port of Edfu
  • Visit to the Temple of Edfu
  • Continuation of the cruise to Luxor Visit to the East Bank of Luxor:
  • Karnak and Luxor Temple
  • Dinner and night on board at the port of Luxor

Day 7: Luxor - Cairo

The last breakfast on board will be served before you check-out from the ship. However, this time the transfer will not be directly to Luxor Airport, as an intense program of visits on the West Bank awaits us.

This part of the city is where the most important necropolises of ancient Thebes were located, which served as the capital during the Middle and New Kingdoms. An essential visit will be to the Valley of the Kings, the grand necropolis of the area, especially from the 18th Dynasty. We will choose three tombs from those open that day and admire the wealth with which the pharaohs intended to journey to the afterlife.

The Colossi of Memnon and, especially, the temple of Queen Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari will complete an incredibly interesting morning. Afterward, we will transfer you to Luxor Airport for a flight to the capital, where our agency’s staff will meet you and take you to the centrally located hotel where you will spend the night.

  • Breakfast on board at the port of Luxor
  • Check-out from the cruise ship
  • Visits on the West Bank of Luxor:
  • Valley of the Kings
  • Colossi of Memnon
  • Temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari
  • Transfer to Luxor Airport
  • Flight from Luxor to Cairo
  • Transfer and night at a hotel in Cairo

Day 8: Cairo - Ammán

We reach the halfway point of this 15-day journey through Egypt and Jordan, which is also a significant milestone in the itinerary as we leave the first country and fly to the second. After breakfast at the Cairo hotel, our staff will provide a private transfer to the capital’s airport for your direct flight to Amman.

At Queen Alia International Airport in Amman, another representative of our agency will meet you and assist with visa procedures and any necessary arrangements. Then, we’ll proceed with another private transfer to the hotel in Amman. If time allows, you will have dinner at the hotel and then rest in your rooms. The flight schedules will determine how much free time remains in Cairo before the flight or in Amman upon arrival.

  • Desayuno en hotel en El Cairo
  • Transfer privado hacia el Aeropuerto del Cairo
  • Vuelo El Cairo – Ammán
  • Encuentro con nuestro personal para trámites fronterizos
  • Transfer privado al hotel en Ammán
  • Cena (si la hora de llegada lo permite) y noche en hotel en Ammán

Day 9: Amman - Jerash - Ajloun - Amman

The ninth day of the tour is also the first day of the route through Jordan. After having breakfast at the hotel, we will explore the northern region of the capital. But before that, we won’t miss the opportunity to discover this fascinating city, with ancient monuments and remains, including Roman-era structures like the Theater, as well as earlier and later ones, such as the Citadel.

After this panoramic visit of Amman, we will travel by road to one of the most surprising destinations of this 15-day circuit through Egypt and Jordan: Jerash. It is an ancient Roman city that has been remarkably well-preserved, with structures that demonstrate its grandeur, such as the Arch of Hadrian, the Hippodrome, the Oval Plaza, and much more. It will captivate not only history enthusiasts but all visitors in general.

The next and final stop of the day will be Ajloun, specifically its castle, located atop a hill offering views of the lush Mediterranean landscape that dominates this region. The construction itself dates back to the medieval period and serves as a good example of the conflicts between Crusaders and Arabs, and even between Mamluks and Mongols.

After these visits, we will return to Amman for dinner at the hotel and overnight rest in your rooms.

  • Breakfast at the hotel in Amman
  • Visit to Amman
  • Road excursion to: The Roman city of Jerash Ajloun and its medieval castle
  • Return to Amman
  • Dinner and overnight stay at a hotel in Amman

Day 10: Amman - Madaba - Mount Nebo - Shobak - Petra

On this tenth day, our tour heads south to reach the vicinity of Petra by the end of the day. However, this journey is not just a mere transit to reach the destination but rather an interesting road trip with stops along the way, popularly known as the King’s Highway.

After breakfast at the hotel, we will start the route and shortly after, we will make a stop in Madaba to admire the Madaba Map, a mosaic map of the Holy Land dating back to the 6th century and famous for being the earliest depiction of this biblical territory. It is located inside the Church of St. George.

The next stop takes us to a place mentioned in the Scriptures: Mount Nebo, where Moses caught a glimpse of the Promised Land. And just like the prophet, we will gaze out towards the horizon from the viewpoint specially designed for this purpose. In addition, the site includes a church and other commemorative monuments.

Next, we will continue our journey, covering more kilometers, as our next stop is Shobak Castle, built by the Crusaders in the 12th century under the name of Montreal. We will see only its exterior, but it will help us understand its strategic importance.

Finally, a little further ahead, we will arrive in Wadi Musa, the small town where tonight’s hotel is located. You will have dinner there before resting, with your mind already focused on the much-awaited visit the next day.

  • Breakfast at the hotel in Amman
  • Travel along the King’s Highway: Madaba: Madaba Map
  • Mount Nebo: viewpoint and commemorative site
  • Shobak Castle: exterior visit
  • Arrival in Wadi Musa (Petra)
  • Dinner and overnight stay at a hotel in Wadi Musa

Day 11: Petra

On this Egypt and Jordan tour, of the 15 days in the program, this eleventh will be the most anticipated by many, as we dedicate it entirely to the visit of Petra, the capital of the ancient Nabatean empire and nicknamed the ‘Pink City’. But the distinction that best speaks of its value is that of UNESCO World Heritage Site, as well as one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World (like the Pyramids of Giza, by the way).

After breakfast at the hotel in Wadi Musa and a visit to the Visitor Centre, the tour will take us to the most representative places of this extraordinary city carved out of rock: the Tomb of the Obelisks, the Siq, the Street of Facades, the Nabatean Theater, the Roman city with its Colonnaded Street, the Al Deir Monastery… and of course, the Treasury, its great symbol and icon.

All this, boxed in between rocky walls and accompanied by a local guide who will explain all the necessary details for you to understand and learn during the tour. And at the conclusion of this day, we will return to the hotel in Wadi Musa for dinner and overnight rest.

  • Breakfast at the hotel in Wadi Musa
  • Full day visit to Petra
  • Dinner and overnight at the hotel in Wadi Musa

Día 12: Petra - Little Petra - Wadi Rum

On this twelfth day, the tour takes us to the southernmost point that our route will reach in Jordan: Wadi Rum. But before that and after breakfast at the hotel in Wadi Musa, another interesting and surprising visit is planned: Little Petra.

It is named so because it unmistakably reminds us of Petra and, in fact, it may have been inspired by it to form its space: it is an enclave carved out of the rock, of smaller dimensions and that must have provided logistical or other services to the Nabatean capital. Additionally, it was inhabited until relatively recently by Bedouin tribes.

These Nabatean and Bedouin tribes also frequented the Wadi Rum desert from time immemorial, where we are heading at this time. It is a natural reserve declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO due to its environmental value and its unique beauty. It’s no coincidence that it fascinated Lawrence of Arabia, in whose honor several places have been named, like the mountain of the Seven Pillars of Wisdom.

We, to make the most of the time and enjoy the experience, will tour its most symbolic corners in a 4×4 all-terrain vehicle. And at the end of the day, we will settle in the Bedouin camp located in this same nature reserve, where we will delight in the sunset lights and the starry sky of this environment, before sleeping in a traditional tent with all the comforts.

  • Breakfast at the hotel in Wadi Musa
  • Excursion to Little Petra
  • Road trip to Wadi Rum 4×4 tour through the desert
  • Dinner and overnight at the Bedouin camp in Wadi Rum

Day 13: Wadi Rum - Amman

Waking up amidst the ever-changing lights of the desert is always a unique experience. And in Wadi Rum, it will be possible on this thirteenth day, after sleeping in the Bedouin tent. Breakfast will also be served at the camp, which you’ll take in an atmosphere of unparalleled tranquility.

After that, we will embark on the journey back to Amman. It will be a long trip, but we will make the necessary stops to arrive not too late to the capital and thus enjoy some free time in the city. Certainly, an ideal time for last-minute shopping or other plans that might be pending. And at night, as usual, you will enjoy dinner at the hotel before resting in your rooms.

  • Dawn in the Wadi Rum desert
  • Breakfast at the Bedouin camp
  • Return to Amman by road
  • Free afternoon in Amman
  • Dinner and overnight at the hotel in Amman

Day 14: Amman - Dead Sea

This 15-day Egypt and Jordan tour reaches its penultimate day, but it still has a unique proposition in store: traveling to the lowest point on the planet, the Dead Sea, located about 400 meters below sea level. For this, we will travel by road from the hotel in Amman, after breakfast.

The Dead Sea is one of the most important spa destinations in the world thanks to its waters with a very high level of salt and other minerals. Therefore, during this day you will have the chance to enjoy a swim in it, where the mud so valued by the cosmetics industry is also concentrated.

The afternoon will be free, either in the quality facilities of the resort or to visit other corners of this high-value natural place. Dinner is included in the hotel package, so the day is conceived as a calm day of relaxation and wellness.

  • Breakfast at the hotel in Amman
  • Road trip to the Dead Sea
  • Swim in the Dead Sea
  • Free afternoon
  • Dinner and overnight at the hotel in the Dead Sea

Day 15: Dead Sea - Amman Airport

On this Egypt and Jordan tour, the 15th day is the last one, with a clear schedule to reach Queen Alia Amman Airport without complications. After breakfast at the Dead Sea hotel, our driver will take you in a private transfer to the terminal, and our staff will assist you with the last operations before boarding. It will be time to say goodbye and to thank you for your trust in our services, hoping to have met all the expectations of such a special trip.

  • Breakfast at the hotel in the Dead Sea
  • Private transfer to Queen Alia Amman Airport
  • Assistance at the terminal
  • Farewell and end of services

What this tour includes

With our services on this Egypt and Jordan tour, the 15 days will unfold comfortably and safely, so you only have to enjoy the experience. Here’s what’s included in the package:

  • Pick up and assistance at all airports on the tour
  • Private transfers with a driver to and from the airports
  • 4 nights at a hotel in Cairo, breakfast only
  • 3 nights aboard the Nile cruise ship, full board (excluding drinks)
  • 3 nights at a hotel in Amman, half board
  • 2 nights at a hotel in Wadi Musa (Petra), half board
  • 1 night in a Bedouin camp in Wadi Rum, half board
  • 1 night at a hotel at the Dead Sea, half board
  • Domestic flights in Egypt: Cairo – Aswan and Luxor – Cairo
  • Private vehicle with driver throughout the tour English-speaking guide throughout the tour
  • Admission to the monuments indicated in the program: does not include the interior visit to the Pyramids of Giza, while in the Valley of the Kings in Luxor three tombs will be visited from among those available at that time

What it does not include

These services are not included in the package:

  • International flights
  • Tips for the professionals on the tour
  • Cruise tip (45 euros per person)
  • Entry visas to the country
  • Drinks
  • Lunches not specified in the program
  • Visits not specified in the program
  • Medical insurance

What do you think of our trips to Egypt?

These are just a few of the testimonials from our clients. Their feedback fills us with encouragement and gives us the strength to continue working towards our goal of making our travelers happy, breaking down myths and prejudices. Here, you will find a selection of their stories. They motivate us to keep improving and reaffirm the value of our efforts.

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