These are the best temples in Egypt (II)

A few months ago we published
a post with the 5
best temples in Egypt
. But we already warned that it was a difficult choice and that many others were left out. Therefore, the time has come to repair that ‘injustice’: here are 5 others that have as much right as the previous ones to be part of this prestigious list.

Temple of Abydos
Temple of Abydos

Temples of Abydos

Abydos was, perhaps, the great absence of the previous list with the best temples of Egypt. best temples in Egypt. Not so much for its beauty (which also), but above all for its enormous relevance: this city had the category of sacred city and attracted a popular pilgrimage to participate in the ceremonies in honor of Osiris, god of fertility and regeneration in the Hereafter. The sacred precinct that hosted these ceremonies was the Osireion, currently unvisitable and reduced to an archaeological site. But it is possible to visit (and very spectacular) the nearby and related Temple of Abydos, erected by Seti I.

Temple of Dendera
Temple of Dendera

Temple of Dendera

Dendera, like Abydos, is a large religious enclosure located in Upper Egypt, on the banks of the Nile River. It has several temples, but the most important is known as the Temple of Hathor or, simply, Temple of Dendera. Dedicated to the aforementioned divinity, many visitors will remember it for its enormous columns with hathoric capitals, formed by heads of the goddess. Others will know it from the Dendera Zodiac, whose original is in Paris but which has a replica here for the enjoyment of astronomy enthusiasts.

Kom Ombo Temple
Kom Ombo Temple

Kom Ombo Temple

The Temple of Kom Ombo is located in this riverside city of Upper Egypt. This is an essential stop on a Nile cruise. And it is precisely from the motor vessel or the dahabiya from where you can enjoy the best panoramic view. But to disembark and visit
in situ
is also worthwhile, as well as entering the museum dedicated to the crocodile, the animal that symbolized the divinity of this temple: Sobek.

Jnum Temple in Esna
Jnum Temple in Esna

Temple of Esna

For many, Esna is famous for its great lock, which regulates the waters of the Nile and makes it navigable all year round for cruise ships. For others, it is the city where one of the world’s most important best temples in Egypt. It has come down to us in very good condition thanks to the fact that it remained buried under the sand for centuries. Dedicated to the ram-headed god Jnum, this temple is striking for its beautiful 24 columns and the bas-reliefs and hieroglyphs on the walls.

Temple of Hatshepsut

Temple of Hatshepsut

From this list of the best temples in EgyptThis is the farthest from the Nile, and also the only funerary temple. It is dedicated to this queen-pharaoh, key to the XVIIIth dynasty. Its unique location in Deir el Bahari, at the foot of a huge natural rock wall, is striking. Its present appearance is largely due to a reconstruction of the mid-twentieth century, but still retains important vestiges inside, such as bas-reliefs and the chapel of Hathor.

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