6 reasons for a Christian to travel to Egypt

At Egipto Exclusivo we organize pilgrimage trips, mainly focused on discovering key places for the Jewish religion and, above all, for the Christian religion. But what compelling reasons might lead a believer to make this journey? In this post we will focus specifically on 6 attractions of the Christian EgyptThe visit to Egypt, which will convince any traveler who professes this faith… or simply those who have an open and discovering spirit.

Inquiring into Old Testament episodes

As we explain in our page on Judaism, many of the Old Testament passages take place in Egyptian lands. Especially in the Sinai Peninsula, with the prophet Moses as the protagonist. The giving of the Tablets of the Law on Mount Sinai and the appearance of the Burning Bush are some episodes that can be recalled here.

Following in the footsteps of the Sagrada Familia

The New Testament also takes us to Egyptian lands. In this sense, the Gospel of Matthew describes the episode in which the Holy Family (the Virgin Mary, St. Joseph and the Child Jesus) take refuge in this country. In cities such as Cairo or Assiut you can follow their clues.

Sohag Monastery
Sohag Monastery

Discover the first monasteries

Another great contribution of Christian Christian Egypt to this religion is the creation of the eremitical movement and, with it, the monastic reality. Here are located the first monasteries which, in turn, are among the most important for Christianity. We are talking about the Monastery of San Antonio Abad, that of San Pablo, those of Wadi Natrun or that of Santa Catalina, among others.

Christian Mass in Egypt
Christian Mass in Egypt

To be enriched by the Coptic liturgy of Christian Christian Egypt

Coptic Christians are associated with the emergence of this religion in Egyptian lands and thus played a key role in the spread of this faith. And they still maintain an archaizing liturgy that, upon learning about it, makes those who witness it travel back in time. Their language, Coptic, which is the last phase of the language of Ancient Egypt, is a good example of the survival of these primitive usages.

To know the origin of some Christian saints

In addition to the hermits who promoted the aforementioned monasteries, such as St. Anthony Abbot and St. Paul of the Thebaid, in Egypt a Christian Egypt a Christian can investigate the origins and history of saints with a long tradition in Spain and other countries. This is the case, for example, of Saint Catherine of Alexandria, a native of this city in the north of the country.

Cave Church in Cairo
Cave Church in Cairo

To admire very unique monumental sites

And from an artistic and monumental point of view, the Christian Christian Egypt also offers places worth visiting and photographing. They are historic or recent temples that have unique stylistic characteristics, often reflecting the cross-cultural mix that characterized this country in the past. An example of this is the church of St. Simon the Tanner, also called the Church of the Cave in the Mountain because it is excavated among the rocks of Mokattam, east of Cairo.

Here are just 6 reasons to get to know Christian Echristian egyptwhether you profess this faith or just want to learn more about it. If you share them or have additional ones, please contact Egipto Exclusivo and we will arrange a pilgrimage trip for you. We are waiting for you!

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